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Our Vision

'Achieving Excellence Together.'

Collaboration Expression Citizenship Inspiration
Achieving through actively playing my part and supporting each other to find solutions. Having the confidence to present myself freely and honestly. To be receptive to the thoughts and ideas of others. Making a difference to me home, school, community and wider world through showing compassion, curiosity and drive. Being a positive role model by acting with kindness, honesty and resilience in order to motivate myself and encourage others.


Healthy Thinkers Caring Citizens Successful Learners Knowledgeable Participants  Confident Individuals Curious Explorers

Poulton Lancelyn Primary School is part of Oaks Trees Multi-Academy Trust.

As a school within the Trust, we aim to provide every child with enriching and exciting learning opportunities through the provision of high quality teaching, and we promote learning within a challenging and creative curriculum that enables all children to achieve their full potential.

We are committed to promoting high levels of pupil engagement and ensuring enjoyment of their learning.

We are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of all pupils in a safe, engaging and stimulating environment.

We are committed to creating an environment in which all children are included, respected and valued for the ideas that they have and what they offer to the wider school and Trust community.

We actively promote the Trust’s Vision, Mission and Values and find many opportunities for children to demonstrate the core values of CARE academically, socially and morally.

We aim that all children adopt safe and healthy lifestyles, develop resilience and confidence, value and respect others and are given the best possible chance to go on and achieve their hopes and ambitions.

Trust Aims

  • We are dedicated to helping the whole child, to unlock their potential and instill a love of learning
  • We share the wealth of experience and expertise from across our trust to enrich and bring learning to life for our children
  • We mix the pursuit of academic excellence in core subjects with a creative curriculum which expands minds and instill a sense of curiosity of the wider world
  • Every member of staff in our trust genuinely cares about the achievement, development, well-being and future of all of our children
  • We are here for all children, to raise aspirations, inspire them to go far and develop a lifelong love of learning.
  • Our teachers, support staff, heads and administrators work in partnership with our families to help the children be the best they can be.
  • We believe in the power and potential of all people to make a lasting difference.

School Aims

Quality of Education

  • Consistently deliver an ambitious, coherent and relevant curriculum to ensure that all learners are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be successful in the next phase of their education
  • Ensure the development of curriculum content with a clear focus on the main aims of the National Curriculum and provide opportunities to build on previous learning using a wide range of retrieval strategies to strengthen knowledge and understanding
  • Create a purposeful and stimulating learning environment that supports our pupils as learners and celebrates their achievements

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Ensure consistently high expectations for behaviour and conduct throughout the school
  • Promote a culture that encourages positive attitudes to learning and empowers children to value and respect themselves and others.
  • Promote effective relationships between all stakeholders to ensure a positive and respectful culture is established and embedded throughout the school community
  • Develop opportunities for children to embrace challenge, learn from setbacks and develop their emotional resilience

Personal Development

  • Provide a broader and inclusive curriculum that promotes enjoyment in a wide range of interests and hobbies
  • Develop a deep understanding of ‘Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds’ to promote resilience, confidence and independence through a range of opportunities
  • Create opportunities for children to develop skills which contribute towards their future economic well-being and equip them to be responsible and respectful citizens who contribute positively to society

Leadership and Management

  • Ensure an ambitious and forward thinking vision for school development to ensure that children achieve highly and are resilient, confident and successful learners
  • Promote the Multi Academy Trust shared CARE values within the RRS philosophies
  • Ensure the curriculum is ambitious for all learners, is effectively delivered and assessment used efficiently to inform next steps though a clear research-led pedagogical methodology
  • Promote and value the importance of positive parental partnerships, providing opportunities for parents to be actively involved in school events and ensure clear communication to ensure parents can fully support their children’s learning and development
  • Recognise the issues around workload, actively adopting strategies to support staff and their well-being
  • Promote the role of governors in supporting and challenging the school’s strategic direction and vision
  • Ensure an effective safeguarding culture is established to keep children safe