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Poulton Lancelyn has an active PTA, who arrange a variety of fundraising events throughout the year.

As a parent, you are automatically a member of the PTA and we welcome your support.

If you have any suggestions for events or activities, or any time to spare to support the PTA, please make contact via the school office either by telephone or email.

The aims of PTA are:

  • To raise funds to assist the headteacher in providing resources to enhance the pupils’ experiences whilst at Poulton Lancelyn Primary School
  • To promote a sense of community by holding social events
  • To improve links between home and school

 Contact via email: 

Key Dates

PTA Picnic        Friday 24th May

Our contribution to school


•Selection boxes for Santa visit

•Santa dash medals

•Panto snacks

•Lease for IPADS

•Stylus pens for IPADS

•Kings Coronation gifts

•Coach for Year 6 residential

•Sports Day medals

•Astro turf for playground

•Reading books