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Wirral Local Offer

The Wirral Local Offer provides key information for children and young people (0 - 25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities.

The Local Offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care as well as information about other local support services.

Wirral SENDLO Website

Wirral SENDLO website brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/ or disabilities.

School Information

Whilst we have no specialist SEND unit, our building makes provision for children with special needs.

All children at our school have access to the full range of the National Curriculum and Religious Education. Children with special educational needs are integrated as fully as possible into mainstream school life, both during lessons and in extra-curricular activities.

Oak Trees MAT SEND policy

Local Offer


Useful links:

What is an EHCP?

Bowel and Bladder:

Young Minds:

Kooth - for children 10yrs and over:

Anaphylaxis training Online:

Other SEND related information and policies can be found below.